Visitor Information

Pre-Arrival Information:

Gauhati University is located in Gopinath Bardoloi Nagar, Jalukbari, Guwahati, having coordinates 26.1445° N, 91.7362° E. The Department of Instrumentation & USIC is located at the southwestern region of the university.

  • Time zone: Guwahati is in India Standard Time zone which is 5 and a half hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.
  • Climate: Guwahati is situated on 56m above the sea level. Here the climate is warm and temperate. The summers have much more rainfall (about 1698 mm annually) as compared to the winters in Guwahati. The average annual temperature is 24.6°C / 76.3 °F. The month of July and August are the warmest with peak temperatures reaching 38 – 39°C.


  • By train: The nearest junction to the University is The kamakhya railway station, located at Maligaon, Guwahati. And the Central Railway Station in Guwahati is the Guwahati Railway Station at Paltan Bazar Guwahati. Train tickets can be booked both in online and offline modes. Bus services are available from Jalukbari to Paltanbazar via Maligaon.
  • By bus: The nearest Bus station to the University is Rupnath Brahma Inter-State Bus Terminal (ISBT), located near Balaji Temple, Betkuchi, AHOM GAON, Guwahati.
  • By Air: The nearest International airport from the university is Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi Airport, located at Borjhar (9km away from Jalukbari). Assam which can be boarded from Paltanbazar, Guwahati.

Academic visit:

Many educational institutes bring student groups for academic visit to the department from time to time. Several colleges in Guwahati have brought their students for 1-2 days training programme in electronics. Before planning an academic visit to our department, you are requested to contact us via phone or email.